Verse 1

We believe we believe
In one true God Father Almighty
Maker of heaven and earth
Of all that is seen and unseen

Verse 2

We believe we believe
In one true Lord Jesus Messiah
God from God light from Light
Eternally One with the Father

Chorus 1

Through Him all things were made
for our salvation as man He came


Crucified at Calvary
He suffered unto death
Rose again as scripture said
Ascended into Heaven
Now seated with the Father
We believe He’ll come again
To judge the living and the dead
His Kingdom will not end

Verse 3

We believe we believe
In the Lord of life Holy Spirit
Sent out from the Father and Son
Three-in-one worshipped forever

Verse 4

We believe we believe
In the holy Church we are united
And we believe that we’ve received
Faith passed down throughout the ages

Chorus 2

Baptised in God's triune name
Knowing our sin has been washed away
We look for the day we will rise
A world resurrected to life


Praise the Father (hallelujah)
Praise the Son (hallelujah)
Praise the Spirit (hallelujah)
Praise the Three-in-one (hallelujah)

We Believe


Andrew James Finden, John Grummitt, Rebecca Beese




May 01, 2024


language English


category Contemporary category Congregational


lightbulb Declaration lightbulb God Incarnate lightbulb Trinity lightbulb Creed




© Rebecca Beese Andrew James Finden John Grummit

Play "We Believe"

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