Verse 1

Years before events unfolded

The prophets were inspired to write

The people walking in the darkness

have seen a shining light

In the valley of the shadow of death

There’ll be no fear

For the comfort of the Lord is here for all of us


I receive the gift of God
Coming to the earth as a baby
I receive the love of God
Walking in our midst as a man
I receive the peace of God
Paying for our sin as a proxy
I receive the rule of God
Reigning in the heavens as the King

Verse 2

For unto us a son is given

Unto us a child is born

The government upon his shoulders

Mighty God, the Counsellor

Of the increase of his government and peace

There’ll be no end

And the zeal of God shall make it happen

Verse 3

Children gathered round the manger
In their school nativity
Fake halos, tea-towel costumes
But through it all we still can see
That the Son of God was sent to earth because
God loved us all
and the Christmas child became our Saviour

The Gift of God


Andy Biggs




June 12, 2024


language English


category Contemporary category Congregational


lightbulb Christmas lightbulb Jesus


© 2022 Andy Biggs

Play "The Gift of God"

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