Are You Weary

Josh Marlow, Gemma Marlow

Verse 1

Are you weary my dear soul
Do your worries never go
Are you searching for some answers
That never seem to come

Verse 2

Does your heavy heart cry out
Are you too weighed down with doubt
Are you searching for a remedy
To take away your pain


The Lord says come here you heavy laden
And I will give you rest
My yoke is easy and light is my burden
F G Am (C second time round)
Come and enter in to my rest

Verse 3

Are there problems you can’t face
Is your life too fast a pace
Do you struggle to slow down and
Make sense of it all

Verse 4

Are you tempted to withdraw
All you want is to ignore
All the questions and attempts of people
Trying to look out for you


Come and lie down
At His feet now
Let Him take the weight from you
Gently rest your
Head in His hands
He will bare your burdens too
Put your trust in
The One who made you
As He breathes His peace on you

Are You Weary


Josh Marlow, Gemma Marlow




June 12, 2024


language English


category Contemporary category Congregational


lightbulb Rest


book Matthew 11:28-30


© 2024 Josh Marlow

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