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Style: Declarational

8 songs

Based on verses from the Holy Bible: “Whoever goes to the Lord for safety, whoever remains under the protection of the Almighty can say to Him, You are my defender and protector, You are my God; in You I trust”. (Psalm 91:1-2 GNT) “…there is nothing in all creation that will ever be able to separate us from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord”. (Romans 8:39 GNT)
I love fast songs that have substance, so that was my aim in writing this song. It speaks about the different aspects of Jesus, from creation of the world to dying on a cross, from his unknowableness to his intimate love for us. Works well as a song to wake a congregation :)
I think it's such a powerful thing to declare Jesus as king - we join with all of heaven when we do so. This song is about turning from our sin and idols, and placing the crown on Jesus' head. It works well as a response song, and fits particularly well during communion.
I'm part of a worship songwriting group, the Resound 12 Song Challenge, which encourages songwriters to write a song each month. This came out of a challenge from March of 2023, whose theme was to write a song based on one of the more unusual Psalms. Psalm 65 jumped out to me, and this was the result. It's a simple song of declaration and an invitation to worship, so it works well as an opening song in a worship set.
Written at the Resound Worship Songwriting Retreat 2024. My aim with this song was to attempt to describe the might, power and majesty of God without making it about our experience or perception of Him. So often our songs define His value through what we see of Him, or how we have experienced Him. He's worthy of praise simply because He's worthy of praise.
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