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Theme: Victory

7 songs

John Grummitt, Mary Elizabeth Byrne, Eleanor Henrietta Hull
I was singing this hymn devotionally one day when I simply carried on into a chorus because I felt a need to follow up a devotional verse with a chorus that committed me to practical application. I went with it, and this is what I came up with. I subsequently used it at church the following Sunday and it went down very well. Now I just need Chris Tomlin to cover it, and I can retire. In the meantime, you could use it!
I love fast songs that have substance, so that was my aim in writing this song. It speaks about the different aspects of Jesus, from creation of the world to dying on a cross, from his unknowableness to his intimate love for us. Works well as a song to wake a congregation :)
This song is a declaration of the otherness of God. It speaks of his awesomeness, using the last two verses of Jude. It also talks about our standing before Him, how he has forgiven us and brought us into adoption, and how he has given us a future hope. I often use it as one of the first couple of songs when leading a congregation in worship because it helps us to fix our eyes on God and put Him in His rightful, authoritative, place.
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