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Language: English

82 songs

I think it's such a powerful thing to declare Jesus as king - we join with all of heaven when we do so. This song is about turning from our sin and idols, and placing the crown on Jesus' head. It works well as a response song, and fits particularly well during communion.
This song is a declaration of the otherness of God. It speaks of his awesomeness, using the last two verses of Jude. It also talks about our standing before Him, how he has forgiven us and brought us into adoption, and how he has given us a future hope. I often use it as one of the first couple of songs when leading a congregation in worship because it helps us to fix our eyes on God and put Him in His rightful, authoritative, place.
Resound Worship’s 12 Song Challenge this month was to take inspiration from the great creeds of the church. I was at the annual Resound Worship Songwriters’ Retreat at Wydale Hall in Yorkshire, UK so had plenty of time to reflection, and I took inspiration from the Nicene Creed. Pairing up with the very talented Sue Crossman of Hopestream Worship, we came up with this. Each verse focusses on expanding, in language simple enough for children, each person of the Trinity. Since writing it, we’ve used it regularly in our Sunday School and family services and it’s a hit with young and old alike.
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