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Language: English

82 songs

This song was written out of a desire to honour God with our praise and worship but, not in a big loud way, which is unusual for me because I love songs that are big and loud and have a driving beat, but in a more reverent and thoughtful way. I tried to be as careful and thoughtful with the lyrics as I could whilst also maintaining a rhyming scheme and a singable melody.
Based on verses from the Holy Bible: “Whoever goes to the Lord for safety, whoever remains under the protection of the Almighty can say to Him, You are my defender and protector, You are my God; in You I trust”. (Psalm 91:1-2 GNT) “…there is nothing in all creation that will ever be able to separate us from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord”. (Romans 8:39 GNT)
Written at the Resound Worship Songwriting Retreat 2024. My aim with this song was to attempt to describe the might, power and majesty of God without making it about our experience or perception of Him. So often our songs define His value through what we see of Him, or how we have experienced Him. He's worthy of praise simply because He's worthy of praise.
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