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Language: English

82 songs

Andy Biggs, Catherine Revill
Yes - It's a Christmas song..!. This sprang out of of a reflection on Christmas being a time when many families gather. We come together for all kind of valid reasons, but it's good to be reminded that the primary reason is that we are gathering in the name of Jesus. All the celebration, feasting and gift giving is great, but he is "the reason for the season", and our true home is in Him. We can enjoy fellowship in His Church and peace with Him whatever our earthy family background is. A lyric video can be found at
I'm part of a worship songwriting group, the Resound 12 Song Challenge, which encourages songwriters to write a song each month. This came out of a challenge from March of 2023, whose theme was to write a song based on one of the more unusual Psalms. Psalm 65 jumped out to me, and this was the result. It's a simple song of declaration and an invitation to worship, so it works well as an opening song in a worship set.
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